Designing people-centered future solutions in partnership with many of the world’s respected brands.
About Us
Future of Work Institute is a consultancy business that explores, questions and designs future work solutions with our clients, partners and collaborators. We conduct research, workshops events and projects across 7 core pillars.
Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity is about recognising difference and acknowledging the benefit of having a range of perspectives in decision-making. Inclusion is where people’s differences are valued and used to enable everyone to thrive at work.
Future of Work Skills
The skills individuals require moving into the future of work are evolving and as such organisations and education institutions need to ensure people are trained efficiently for future roles.
Talent Technology
Talent Technology is emerging innovative technology that ultimately enhances the efficiencies of processes and talent within your organisation and makes HR teams more strategic.
Employer Proposition
An Employer Value Proposition (EVP) is the set of unique financial and nonfinancial attributes that the talent marketplace and employees perceive as the value they gain through employment with your organisation.
Creative Leadership
Creative leaders have the ability to look at things in new ways and solve problems by seeing things that others don’t enhancing innovation, strategic thinking and opportunity.
Government & Regulatory
With increasing changes in how we work government and regulation policy must change to adapt to the demands of a data driven workforce with concerns surrounding privacy policy, equality, diversity and more.
We deliver keynote talks, facilitated workshops, advisory, and engagement delivery across key future of work areas.
Team and partners
